Monday 01/25/2010
I’ll guess that that there are 2500 people on the NCL Spirit, based on last nights activities six of them are Vikings fans and the rest are Saints fans or at least cheering for the Saints to win. First the Colts played their usual game of falling behind and then wearing out their opponents to win in the second half, that being done I sat back to enjoy the emotional rollercoaster that the Saints hardcore fans rode through out the balance of the evening. Sprinkled into the evening of football was a Maui Maui dinner accompanied by a California Chardonnay followed by a coconut cheesecake. We then hade an hour of entertainment provided by a Cajun accordion player that was excellent at Cajun music good at rock-a-billy ok at country western and outstanding at Randy Newman’s “Louisiana”.
That all done we went to the disco bar where five screens had been set up for the Saints – Vikings game. Sitting in front of Ron and I was the mother of every Saints player and coach based on the drama the she played out with every play. Adding to her emotional overload was the full day of wine consumption. She barely survived the OT field goal falling to the dancing floor crying with joy. I don’t know which was best the game or the Academy Award Performance by the “Drama Queen”.
We’ve adopted our “Cursing Routine” ; Nita and I are up at 5:30, go to the Buffet Restaurant and meet Ron for coffee (he’s been there for an hour and knows everyone and where everything is) after coffee Nita and I go to the gym and workout on the weight machines for thirty minutes, then I get the opportunity to show off some of my Yoga poses that I’ve picked up from my JCC classes ( I’ve attended two classes so it’s not all that impressive, but I do get a good stretch out of it)
Then it out to the 13th deck where we find Ron doing his three mine run; Nita and I do a two mile walk and run. Our exercise routine done we hit the main dining room for the 7:30 opening and have a full sit down breakfast; Ron and Nita have eggs Benedict ( Nita’s traditional and Ron’s with smoked salmon)
Where’s Avie? She’s still in bed; didn’t sleep well last night, but I’m sure she’ll catch-up with us. Later I found out that she slept in but did get in her 1 ½ hour walk on the walking deck before lunch.
The weather is great, sunny skies and it feels like it’s in the 70’s with little wind other then that produced by the ships movement. This is a sea day so we’ll unwind and continue to explore the ship.
Our first day can be summed up as Relaxation, Exercise, Napping, Reading and Eating, I could get used to this.
This evening’s show was a husband and wife acrobatic act, he’s from Russia and she’s from France, quite impressive strength and balance.
Tuesday 01/26/2010
Nita and I have done our morning exercise, had breakfast and are in the front of the ship watching the docking procedure at Costa Maya, Mexico. Haven’t seen Ron and Avie yet today. We’ve been here before and there’s not much to this place so we’ll take our time and walk ashore to see if we can find some cheap sunglasses we left ours in Ron’s car, so it’ll be another relaxing day in the sun.
Sounds great! It's in the 40s in Bham and NYC so your 70 degrees makes me envious. Continue enjoying!