The day was first associated with romantic love in the circle of Georrrey Chaucer in the high middle ages , when the tradition of love flourished. In 18th-century England, it evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, and sending greeting cards (known as "valentines").
Valentine Greeting Exchange: As a second grader Valentines Day was my first introduction to romance.
I was able to express my innermost feelings for Betty, a girl in my class. It was a special feeling and I was only able to achieve it with the encouragement of my Mom. I was also able to express my feelings for my good friends. I remember running from house to house, slipping the Valentine Card under the door, ringing the door bell and running and hiding behind a bush so that I might be able to see my Valentine find my card. Kerry
Other Valentine’s Day Traditions
- Draw names for secret pals the week before Valentine's Day.
- Perform small acts of service and kindness for that person, and then reveal your identities on Valentine’s Day. Make heart-shaped cookies and give them to those in your neighborhood or congregation who are alone.
- Have a red dinner with red jello, red mashed potatoes, beets, cherry cake, etc.
- Call relatives and tell them you love them.
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